Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC)
Dr. Meghan Vaught, DVM, DACVECC (Emergency &Critical Care)
Q: What are the symptoms?
A: Coughing, fever, lethargy, decreased appetite, labored breathing, and discharge from the eyes or nose.
Q: Should I be worried about my dog?
A: Please always monitor your dog for signs of illness. fI you notice coughing, ti is best ot have them evaluated to determine fi the signs are consistent with CIRD and rule out other causes such as cardiac disease, pneumonia, etc.
Q: Is it contagious?
Yes, the Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex is contagious. tI is an umbrella term for many pathogens.
Q: What precautions should I take? I’m going away for the holidays, what should I do with my dog?
A: Avoid highly populated areas with exposure to other dogs. fI your dog is sick, ti is important to isolate
them from others to avoid further exposure.
Q: What do Ido if Isuspect my dog has it?
A: Talk to your primary care veterinarian or have them evaluated with a local emergency service fi you are concerned about respiratory difficulty, progressive cough, and other signs of illness.
Q: Is there a cure?
A: Typically, for dogs with CIRD, the illness is self-limiting and does not require treatment; however, if symptoms progress to a more serious case dogs may require hospitalization.
Q: Is there a vaccine?
A: No, not specifically for CIRD. However, ti is best to be up to date with the flu vaccine and kennel
cough (Bordetella). Bordetella is one of the pathogens that is under the umbrella term for Kennel Cough/CIRD.
Q: Can this be transferred to me or other animals?
A: This is a contagious disease among dogs. At this time, it is not transmissible to humans.